Love. Laugh. Vibe.
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From Crying In Bed Over A Broken Heart... To Cracking Your First Genuine Smile Again...

If we offered to help you go from crying in bed, barely functioning at work, and sitting in the dark for hours...

To cracking your first genuine smile again…

- Without waiting several months for time to heal your wounds... 

- Without forcing yourself to "just get over it"... and...

- Without ever feeling judged or shamed... 

- By guiding you through a personalized healing roadmap with all the mind-body healing tools you'll need to gently let go of the pain… 

- So you can wake up smiling and excited to embrace the day ahead...

Would you take us up on that offer?

We've spent the last few years helping women to start genuinely smiling again after having their hearts broken...

And we have plenty of case studies to back it up...

Ready to start feeling like yourself again?

If so, tap the button below...

Rooting for you...

What Other Women Are Saying

"It was amazing to me how much I had been pushing down. And I was just repressing so much. And after we did the release, I felt so much lighter."

-Hannah M.
"In the beginning, I was very angry with my ex... But after working together, I am at peace. And now, I can be sitting in a room with him without a problem."

- Tracy B.
"It took a few tries, but eventually, I realized 'yeah! I am ready to walk away.' And at that moment, it was kind of lovely, because the whole future opened up again and I realized 'I can write whatever I want here now.'"

- Elisabeth
"I can be the type of person who holds a grudge... but to know that I've felt all the negatives feelings from my divorce... and that I'm done with them and they're in the past... was very rewarding"

- Latisha

More Client Results

Meet Your Coaches

Giovanni Chekwa
Founder, Transformational Coach

Giovanni's specialty is helping people break out of self-sabotage and helping them get physically, mentally and emotionally aligned to their goals and purpose. He is a certified master transformational coach. He is also a graduate of Johns Hopkins University.
Donna Chekwa
Co-Founder, Master Wellness Coach

Helping women find balance in their lives is what Donna is all about. She is a certified master coach, trained in integrative health and wellness. She is also a graduate of the Maryland University of Integrative Health with a Masters of Science in Health Promotion & Coaching.
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