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For The Career Woman Who Is Done Letting An Unexpected Breakup Take Up Space In Her Mind...

This month, we’re opening up our doors to 5 career-driven women who are done letting an unexpected breakup take up space in their minds…

These are women who've worked hard to rise high up the corporate ladder...

Their LinkedIn profiles are filled with awards and accolades for the exceptional work they do...

They've got multiple degrees framed and hanging on their office walls... 

And they've already decided to use this breakup as a turning point... and are ready to emerge from it stronger than ever. 

And we're going to do this in just 6 weeks.

No long, drawn-out healing journey.

No spending months or years analyzing every detail of the breakup and talking about your feelings.

No meditations, affirmations, chanting or journaling.

No vague advice, forced positive thinking, or pep talks about “self-love.”

No forcing yourself to forgive or move on.

Just practical tools that work... tools that take you...

From being irritated that your ex is still taking up space in your head... to being fully focused on your own life again.

From logically knowing you're "enough"… to feeling it in your bones every single day.

From not eating or sleeping… to waking up energized, powerful, and completely in control of your future.

Complete closure. Unshakable confidence. A clear vision of what's next.

And because this is 1-on-1 coaching, you’ll have privacy, personal attention, and the exact support you need to make this shift fast.

This is only for the career-driven woman who is successful in every area of her life... but is irritated with how much the breakup has affected her... 

And she's already decided that she's done with feeling like this... and she's determined to emerge from this breakup stronger than ever...

If that’s you, consider yourself invited.

Here’s what a few of the ladies said the last time we did this…

💬 "Gosh! There's just such a shift! Instead of worrying about [my ex]... I'm focused on myself."

💬 "It was amazing to me how much I had been pushing down. And I was just repressing so much. And after we did the release, I felt so much lighter."

💬 "In the beginning, I was very angry with my ex... But now, I am at peace. And now, I can be sitting in a room with him without a problem."

This isn’t just about a breakup.

This is about becoming the woman who is stronger than ever.

Let's get to work. Tap the button below to get details... 

What Our Clients Are Saying

"Gosh! There's just such a shift! Instead of worrying about [my ex]... I'm focused on myself. I'm loving the life that I'm building. I'm thinking about what I want now."

- Elisabeth
"It was amazing to me how much I had been pushing down. And I was just repressing so much. And after we did the release, I felt so much lighter."

-Hannah M.
"In the beginning, I was very angry with my ex... But after working together, I am at peace. And now, I can be sitting in a room with him without a problem."

- Tracy B.
"I can be the type of person who holds a grudge... but to know that I've felt all the negatives feelings from my divorce... and that I'm done with them and they're in the past... was very rewarding"

- Latisha

More Client Results

Meet Your Coaches

Giovanni & Donna Chekwa

We help career-driven women to emerge from an unexpected breakup stronger than ever... without spending years in therapy...
© 2020 The Chekwa Company. All Rights Reserved.