This month, we’re opening up our doors to 5 high-achieving, career-driven women who've been through an unexpected breakup…
And we'll be helping them to use the breakup as a turning point to emerge as women who are stronger than ever in just 6 weeks.
Specifically, we'll be helping them to go…
From having their exes take up space in their heads... to being fully focused on their own lives again.
From logically knowing they're "enough"… to knowing it and *feeling* it deep in their bones every single day.
From functioning on autopilot and going through the motions… to waking up feeling energized, powerful, and completely in control of their future.
Complete closure. Unshakable confidence. A renewed sense of purpose.
No spending months or years analyzing every detail of the breakup.
No meditations, affirmations, or journaling.
No vague advice, forced positive thinking, or pep talks about “self-love.”
No forcing themselves to move on.
No forcing themselves to forgive their ex.
Plus we'll be working with each of the ladies 1-on-1... so they'll have lots of privacy and personal attention...
This is only open to career-driven women who know they are destined for something bigger after this breakup…
And know they can get there on their own, but want help to get there faster.
If that's you... would you like to join us?
Here’s what a few of the ladies said the last time we did this…
💬 "Gosh! There's just such a shift! Instead of worrying about [my ex]... I'm focused on myself."
💬 "It was amazing to me how much I had been pushing down. And I was just repressing so much. And after we did the release, I felt so much lighter."
💬 "In the beginning, I was very angry with my ex... But now, I am at peace. And now, I can be sitting in a room with him without a problem."
This isn’t just about getting over a breakup.
It’s about emerging as a woman who is stronger than ever...
When you're ready to step into that version of yourself…
Tap the button below to get details...