We're opening up our doors to 5 career-driven women, who are coping with a breakup...
And to the outside world, their LinkedIn profiles proudly display a smiling headshot... an impressive job title... and their degrees and awards...
But behind closed doors...
They're awake in bed at 2 am almost every night, because they can't sleep…
They linger in bed the next morning, physically exhausted...
And their clothes don't fit right anymore, because they're barely eating...
And so we'll be helping them to get to the point where they can think about their ex and the breakup... and not be on the verge of tears or triggered...
Without needing to go on a long, drawn-out healing journey... or using temporary coping tactics...
And we'll do this by giving them 3 practical tools that make it easier to let go of the overwhelming emotions at their root...
So they can be back in control of their emotions...
Rather than using coping tactics that only offer temporary relief... or going on a long-drawn out healing journey…
Plus we'll be working with each person 1-on-1, so they'll have lots of personal attention and privacy…
Would you be interested in joining us?
Here's what our client Elisabeth said after working with us...
💬 "I've had so many friends, family members commenting, saying, hey, I'm really impressed with how well you're handling this divorce, how clearly you're thinking... and just how well you're doing."
Here's what our client Hannah said after working with us...
💬 "It was amazing to me how much I had been pushing down. And I was just repressing so much. And after we did the release, I felt so much lighter."
Here's what our client Tracy said...
💬 "In the beginning, I was very angry with my ex... But now, I am at peace. And now, I can be sitting in a room with him without a problem."
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Rooting for ya...